Productivity at home

2 min readNov 10, 2020


I’m a high schooler, so this will mainly talk about school stuff not work stuff soooo… yeah

In my country, high school is a life-defining moment. Why you might ask. So where I’m from schools have a different rating, for example, some schools have smarter students and better teachers so universities around my country will want freshmen from that school. And the students inside that school will basically compete with each other for a better chance of getting into the top-notch universities in my country. And if you could get to one of the best universities, you will have a better chance of finding a job faster after you graduate. That is why it’s life-defining in my eyes. But still good high school, or good universities, and getting a jog fast as a graduate is not everything and you could still achieve success if you don't have those things.

Back to the productivity that I'm going to talk about. So I'm still in high school and high school while in a pandemic is terrible. For example, we have a bunch of homework because of this and we couldn’t even get a taste on living as a teenager because we could not go outside, and the shitiest thing for me is that learning from home is not as efficient as learning from school, there's just something different that's wrong about learning from home. So we as students must change the way how we study and changing the way we study for the past 9 plus years is not an easy task at all especially for me who is really dependent on teachers explaining the subject and hearing the subject from them. So I must change, I must adapt to this new environment.

But this new way of learning is really hard to do because of social media, especially in a pandemic where everybody uses social media 24/7. So as a teenager we could not resist social media, it is basically our safe place or maybe it's just my safe place. So it's really hard to be productive while doing this quarantine stuff and this is really stressing me out lately.

This case maybe doesn't affect every high schooler out there but I'm sure plenty are having the same problem. So I'm asking for a friend to maybe could help us who have this problem. Anything could help :).




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