Good Food and Good Music

2 min readNov 12, 2020


We all know that good food could make us happy on a bad day and good music could change our mood 180° in a matter of seconds. But is the happiness we got from good music or good food or anything that could change our mood really fast is real happiness? And is it any good for us?

I want to talk about this because I’ve got plenty of this short burst of happiness before. At first, it’s really refreshing, I mean like it feels really good at that moment but when the song ends or the food is done, we mostly come back to our mood before listening to the music or eating the food. And so, I’m thinking is this actually good for us? Because sometimes we comeback even sadder or maybe even angrier and that’s not good at all. But again, we need that short burst of happiness because if we keep being sad or angry, we could lose ourselves. And that short burst of happiness could make us realize that we have more in our life than sadness and make us more grateful for the little things in life.

So, my take on this is that good food and good music could really help us with being happier in life. Actually, there are more than that, good food and music could make long-lasting memories. I remembered the first time I heard Bruno Mars song “Somewhere in Brooklyn”, My sister actually the one who introduced me to that song, and I remembered the first time I heard it was really late and my family is going home from a trip, and when I heard the song I basically lost myself inside the song and it felt amazing and to this day that song really brought me joy. And so as food, I remembered when I was young and my family is not in a good spot, my mom would make this vegetable soup and she would give me the vegetable soup with rice that’s got a little bit of oil and salt on it, it may not be good for you but I like it to this day. I believe you who is currently reading this have the same sort of feeling to some songs or maybe food, it may not be a happy memory but still is a memory.

I think this not only happens when you hear certain music or when you taste a certain food, I think this happens when any of your senses get stimulated. Maybe you remembered a certain smell or even a certain feeling on your skin. Whatever it is, it’s really important to have that feeling.

